Tubman Youth is a weekly group for middle and high school students. Come hang out with us! Games, worship, and a look at God's Word. Be strong and courageous...

Tubman Youth is a weekly group for middle and high school students. Come hang out with us! Games, worship, and a look at God's Word. Be strong and courageous...
Serving Seniors is an outreach to seniors who are not able to get out to attend church. Join us as we "bring church to them” at local assisted living facilities and...
Take your first step to connecting with Wesley Church. Meet our pastoral staff, learn about our values, and get connected into groups.
Love to read? You're not alone. Join us for discussions on the latest books we are reading. We also are continually reading a Bible study together, or a new best...
Meet mission partners and start to serve globally! Many of our supported missionaries and local organizations will be present. Find out more info on how you can get involved.
This is the Way. Walk in it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fringilla nulla ac elit pellentesque, in fringilla justo dictum. Quisque quam...